Tales of Torment
My name is Angie and I began creating stories when I was a young child though they were pictures mostly.  My older sister and I would draw pages of pictures and then tell the story of what they meant to each other as a way to not only express our imaginations and creativity but also endure the seemingly endless boredom of summer days.  I was about 13 years old when I began to scribe my first work of fiction, but it wasn't until my high school years that I really realized how much of a passion I had for writing.  I was given a lot of encouragement by teachers who often expressed their joy at reading my work, and during my junior year I designed an independent, creative writing study with my English teacher.  The final assignment for this study was to write a short novella of sorts, and my final project was a simple vampire story that ended up being a meager 70 pages long.  Little did I know it was the great spark to light the true fire of my inspiration.  I felt a connection and endearment to my characters so much that I spent the next few years building upon that short story and expanding it into a full fledged book by the time I was 19.  I have since evolved the series into 4 completed volumes, and am currently working on volume number 5.  They are a precious escape and universe where I can create and destroy at whim, and I love my characters almost as if they were my true family.  I am so attached to them all, that regardless of whether I am ever published or not, I will continue to fabricate their lives for I know not how to live without them.

I am 33 and wish to give thanks to my husband, Ryan and my 3 beautiful daughters, Autumn, Felicity, & Harley.

I would also like to give a special big thanks to my younger sister and best friend, Beth, for her endless support, undying enthusiasm, and for being a rubber surface on which I can I constantly bounce ideas.  You are truly indispensable, and I never would have gotten this far without you!